40. Quite obviously, immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability. 很明显,需要立即采取行动使八千万中国人摆脱贫困,从而消除社会动荡的危险,确保持续的稳定。
Most applications where an order is being placed, and that require immediate confirmation of the order, yet fulfillment is a long-running process. 大多数下订单应用程序需要立即确认订单,但履行则是长时间运行的流程。
We should be obliged if you could arrange for the immediate shipment of this order. 如果贵方能立刻部署发送这笔我方所订货物的话,我方会异常感谢的。
In the immediate future there needs to be support for economic demand in order to counter a further rise in the sales tax. 日本在短期内有必要支撑经济需求以抵消消费税进一步上涨的影响。
We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the contract stipulations. 我方坚持立即装运,否则我们将依照和约条款进行强制取消订单。
Second, if he truly had a viable complaint then why didn't he file an immediate "cease and desist" order? 其次,要是他真的有正当的理由的话,为什么他不签署一个立即执行的“停业和终止”的命令呢?
People are postponing their decision to buy a car, and this has an immediate effect on order intake. 人们正推迟买车决定,这会立刻影响收到的订单数量。
You will find enclosed an order form in case you wish to make an immediate order. 若您愿意立即订购,请利用随函所附的订购单。
In order to further promote two-way investment, we plan to take the following actions in the immediate future in order to inject fresh vitality into the troubled world economy. 为进一步促进双向投资,下一步我们将继续做好以下几项工作,努力为困境中的世界经济增添新活力。
Either the delivery is immediate, or we'll have to cancel the order. 若不能立即送货,我们将取消定货。
You may be sure of immediate attention to your order, which we look forward to receiving. 期盼着接到您的订单,接到订单之后,我们将立即处理。
She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. 她向法官解释,她是一个学校的老师,请求按程序立即处理她的案子,以便她能赶回去上课。
Brand Sense intends to seek immediate relief from the probate court's order. 品牌意识打算立刻寻求缓解遗嘱法院的命令。
All those who need to recover the cost of the immediate input system, the Finance Department in order to recover the cost in time. 所有需要收回的费用立即输入系统,以便财务部及时收回各项费用。
In this case the loser should take immediate remedial measures in order to retrieve his right concerning the bill. 失票人必须及时依法采取有效的救济措施,才能使票据权利最终得以实现。
Conclusions For carotid artery injuries, immediate repair should be done in order to resume blood supply. 结论颈动脉损伤应即刻修复,恢复大脑血供;
Objective: To observe the immediate effect of decompression for hypertension of the Method of Blood Letting in Ear Apex and electric stimulation in Ear Apex on spontaneous hypertension rats ( SHR), and make a comparison between them in order to find out which method is better. 目的:分别观察耳尖放血疗法和耳尖电刺激疗法对SHR大鼠的即时降压疗效,并对两种方法的即时降压效应进行比较。
Structure of the theory in order to ultimately solve the immediate issue, the only way in order to radiate vitality of the theory, research is valuable. 理论的建构最终还是为了解决当下的课题,只有这样理论才能焕发生命力,研究才是有价值的。
Another urgent reason for levying environmental taxes is that the current environmental rating system in our country is over-abused and calling for immediate reform in order to maintain ecological balance and promote harmonious development between human and nature. 开征环境税更迫切的理由是,现行环境收费制度已弊端重重,亟待改革。为维护生态平衡,促进人与自然的和谐发展。我国的环境税收制度势在必行。
The immediate cause of its establishment was the serious crisis of cloth that took place in 1908 in Tianjin. In order to clear up foreign dept, maintain commercial affairs between Chinese and foreign countries in Tianjin port, The Commercial Guarantee Bank Of China came into existence. 该行创立的直接原因是1908年天津发生了严重的布疋危机,为了清理津商积欠的洋款,维持津埠华洋的商务,北洋保商银行应运而生。
Considering that rainfall is the immediate cause of the flood., it is necessary to extract representative features of each rainfall and analysis by clustering, in order to improve the precision of classify calibration. 而降雨是洪水产生的直接原因,因此有必要对每场洪水降雨提取代表性特征进行聚类分析以提高分类率定精度。
Lastly, as a part of practical research, it makes an intensive discussion on operations, advantages, disadvantages and immediate problems of Order Model of WANDA Group and Wal-Mart. 最后,作为实证研究部门,对天津的万达集团与沃尔玛的订单模式的运作情况、优缺点及需要解决的问题进行了深入探讨。
Objective: To analyze the surface EMG ( sEMG) of the dynamic changes, comparing different body conditions, the immediate effect of acupuncture in order to determine the best time for a single treatment. 目的:通过分析表面肌电信号(sEMG)的动态变化,比较不同机体状态下,电针的即刻效应,以确定单次治疗的最佳时间。